Thursday, May 27, 2010

District 9

District 9 is an interesting movie. It's not really what you're led to believe from the initial release trailers. Obviously someone in management didn't like it that much and tried to make it look like an action-thriller like all the others. It has action, and thrills, but it's certainly not done like all the others. Once you get into it, it's actually very good. There's a strong message about what it really means to be a person, or human, and the value of life. And despite what the movie box might say, it comes down to an average joe trying to survive a horrible situation, and having the scales fall from his eyes in the process.

4 out of 5 stars.

Plot Summary
When aliens land on Earth, global business conglomerate Multi-National United forces them into rigid containment zones where they are compelled to labor, even as MNU commandeers their otherworldly technology for profit. As tensions build between human and non-human races, a rogue agent leads a resistance movement against MNU's ruthless consolidation of power. Neill Blomkamp directs this cinema verité-style sci-fi thriller nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award.

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